wahh all by yor self in Shanghai ~_~ whyyy?? whre yor mom & Dadi?!! ...wiSh i cud be der foh yohhhh ~_~ ...wll we olwayzz mke diFFrient choicee evri dai, & sOmtiez we aint sUre ov wat we want tu dO or tu be, ths is lyf babe, anD it gets us in!! ...buh i'll olwayz gOt yoh bk hOniii ...touRism stuDiez s cOol, & yoh wll gt de cHnce tu trvel arOnd the wORld ^^, & if yoh dId , dOn fogt tu pass by mehh

p:s I knw Hw CoLLg thingyz taKin a toLL, itzz damn Laborious

...newy nOthin buh de BeStt ov sPeNdin yoh dauzz wiff Korean Drama LoL...wll foh meh, ima get Tir'd ov dEcoretin mah crib, & gt new furnituress !! tho the Plan ov fOolin arOund wiff ma matess are Cansl'd cauzz ma crib nOt over yetttt ~_~ ....